Monday, January 18, 2010


You probably think La Paz is a good place for scuba diving, deep sea fishing and apprehending Tijuana drug kingpin El Teo. And you'd be right. The capital of Baja Sur is also where you'd be heading if you wanted to come face to face with a rare 35-foot long monster oar fish like the one that surprised the gringo diver several years ago.

But you may not realize that La Paz is also a choice travel destination for those seeking unsolicited advice on drugs. Not illegal drugs so much as homeopathic drugs.

Homeopathic drugs like Wobenzyme which was designed in Germany in the 1960's. And who better to tell you about it in La Paz than a robust white haired fellow traveler from Stuttgart. V* and I came across Werner* and his wife Greta* unexpectedly in the hallway of the hotel.

"Hallo! Wie gehts! Vat brings you to Mexico?"

"Oh, a little exploring, snorkeling, kayaking. How about you?

"Ach, gut place to exercise. Exercise is gut. Look at me! Hey! How old you think I am?"

"Well, Werner, you are probably older than you look. And you look very healthy."

"Yah, wery healthy. Wery. But how old?"

"Oh, maybe sixty-five."

"Hah! Sixty-five, he says, Greta! You are wery kind, Charles. But yust look!!"

And with this he grabbed V who is about a foot taller than he is, lifted her off her feet and twirled her around in circles much to V's surprise and Greta's delight.

"Ah yah, he does this with all the pretty young girls," she giggled, only slightly embarrassed.

He then put V down with a flourish and yelled, "I am eighty-one! Vel, vat you think of dat! Hey? You vant to be able to do dat, yah? Und she loved it, didn't you dahling? Zo, vat you tink?"

"Um, very surprising.... Werner, your strength, I mean."

"No, not zo surprising! Not ven you take WOBENZYME! Dat's right, FOWVAY-O-B-E-N-Z-Y-M-E! It's German! You will be zo-o-o strong ven you are taking dis Wobenzyme."

"Well, thanks, Werner. That was a very convincing demonstration. I think you can tell we are both sold on the idea."

"Dat's yust vonderful! Take it every day and you'll be zo heppy you did. Zo heppy to meet you und haff a vonderful life!"

So we did start taking Wobenzyme and as a consequence I have become much better at grabbing unsuspecting younger women and twirling them around my head.


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